Hey guys!
This week’s episode I chat to you about the importance of bringing more rest, chill out and relax time into 2020 (so we don’t burn ourselves out like I did at the end of 2019!) I also chat about listening to the little nudges we all get. When we are inspired to email someone, or to do anything at all and it feels good, we must follow that, because that is where the magic happens <3
If you’d like to check me out you can find me:
Instagram: @annapatch_
My Free Facebook community: A Patch of Happiness
MY NEW AFFIRMATION self study course sign up link
Acting Footage/ showreels and Tapes
Email: [email protected]
Buddha by Kontekst https://soundcloud.com/kontekstmusic
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/b6jK2t3lcRs