Today I talk with Tash Leov.
We chat all things about coming, and learning to accept yourself, and love who you are. You’ll only ever have you, throughout your life journey. So it’s so important to love who you are.
Tasha Leov is a Self Love Coach who has made it her mission to make every woman realise how worthy of love and respect they are. She coaches women to find their confidence and to learn to love their bodies just as they are!
You can catch Tasha on:
Instagram: @tashleov
Podcast: Chronicles of a Self Love Activist.
I would LOVE your feedback, rates and reviews. THANK YOU <3
If you’d like to check me out you can find me:
Instagram: @annapatch_
My free Facebook community: A Patch of Happiness
[email protected]
Anna xx
Buddha by Kontekst
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